The Hive is a space where many organizations, businesses and individuals come together. Therefore, not all instructors, classes, or events are part of the same umbrella.
Our sister company, Hand to Hand Fitness, uses Punchpass for payment. These classes are indicated by "(H2H)" in the name. If classes begin to hit capacity, we will also use it for reserving spaces.
For classes that do not fall under the Hand to Hand Fitness umbrella, this is for informational purposes only. Instructors that rent space are operating as their own entity.
​Under the Hand to Hand Fitness umbrella:
$15 drop in
$12/class 5 class punch card
$10/class 10 class punch card
$120/month unlimited
Acro Yoga Jam and Youth Judo have different fee structures.
Youth Judo / Jiu Jitsu
With Eric and James
Wednesdays 2:30PM - 4:00PM (60-minute Judo followed by 30-minute Jiu Jitsu)
Developed in Japan during the 1800s from more primitive jujitsu wresting systems, modern Judo is a fast-paced and dynamic Olympic sport, an effective and ethical system of self-defense, and a recreational fitness program. Judo uses safe, science-based, training to build mastery of grappling techniques to throw, pin, and control an opponent. In Judo your child will learn how to absorb the impact falls without injury, how to redirect the force of an attack, and how to use leverage, off-balancing, and timing to control larger and stronger opponents.
This class emphasizes the development of youth resilience, self-confidence, and motor skills control. Our friendly 60-minute classes consist of extended warm-ups and holistic physical fitness drills, technical training, and free practice. Opportunities for region Judo tournament participation are also available.
Training is led by Eric Lee-Mäder, a third-degree blackbelt instructor with more than 30 years of grappling experience, including state, national, and international-level competition, as well as training at the Kodokan Judo Institute in Japan. As part of the International Olympic Committee, accredited Judo instructors maintain routine certification on the prevention of head injuries, maintaining safe/respectful training environments, and mandatory criminal background screening and mandatory abuse and misconduct training. Safety, fun, and individual support and development are the guiding class priorities.
We ask that kids try a no-cost trial class for screening and assessment to determine if Judo is a good fit for them. They will be expected to participate in warmups, follow directions, pay attention and be a good partner. Participants can expect to do a lot of falling as they learn body safety and body awareness.
Beginners are welcome and youth training uniforms are available.
$90 monthly membership.
Judo - Adult
With Eric or Leigh
Tuesdays 5:45PM -7:15PM
Saturdays 10AM - 11:30AM
Developed in Japan during the 1800s from more primitive jujitsu wresting systems, modern Judo is a fast-paced and dynamic Olympic sport, a system of self-defense and police training, and a recreational fitness program. Judo uses safe, science-based, training to build mastery of grappling techniques to throw, pin, and control an opponent. In Judo you will learn how to absorb the impact falls without injury, how to redirect the force of an attack, and how to use leverage, off-balancing, and timing to control larger and stronger opponents.
Our friendly 90-minute adult classes consist of extended warm-ups and holistic physical fitness drills, technical training, and free practice. Classes are usually team taught by coaches with nearly a century of collective international Judo training. Beginners are always welcome and loaner training uniforms are available.​
Hand to Hand Fitness
With James
Tuesday through Friday 5:30AM - 7AM
Can't make it at 5:30? This class welcomes late already warmed up participants at 6AM and 6:30AM.
This is your opportunity to reintegrate your body through fundamental calisthenics, martial arts and manipulation of practical objects. This class will also take you through the steps it takes to become light and confident on your feet. You will also learn the body mechanics it takes to be a proficient stand-up fighter. Work with a partner to practice offensive and defensive movements throughout the class.
Medium risk / Moderate to High intensity
H2H Women's Class
With James
Wednesday and Friday 7:30AM - 8:30AM (Starting January 8, 2025)
Move the whole body learning effective and realistic martial arts while getting the cardiovascular training and strength needed for optimal health, performance and longevity.
We will spend the first 30 minutes of classes warming up by learning martial movements and real-world application. The last 30 minutes will alternate between calisthenics and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) emphasizing strength.
Every month will build a fresh skill set while continuing to review what has been previously learned (creating muscle memory and integrating all that you learn.)
A quick example of the first six months:
January (Footwork, basic striking and entry for controlling an opponent)
February (Footwork for striking combinations, and introduction to take downs)
March (Striking with speed and moving a controlled opponent)
April (Striking with unusual means and take downs)
May (Multiple same side strikes and using strikes to control and take down or control an opponent)
June (Refresh)
July - December (Introduce grappling)
Jiu Jitsu
With Jake
Thursday 5:30PM - 6:30PM
Acro Yoga Jam
With James
Second Saturday of the month 4:00PM - 6:00PM
Contact James directly to get on the mailing list: james@thehivejc.com
Independent Instructors:
While we try our best to note cancelations or changes, these classes are ultimately managed by the instructors that reserve space at The Hive. Please contact them directly with questions.
Root Down & Rise Up
With Dana Nixon​
Mondays 9:00AM - 10:15AM
This yoga practice focuses on breath, alignment, strength and stability this practice is empowering and restorative and will get your week started right!
This class is donation based. Please consider between $5-25.
Contact Dana directly with any questions: 317-513-8684​​​
With Lila
Wednesday 6PM - 7:30PM
Tumble & Talk
With Jessica
Thursdays 10:00AM - 11:30AM
Play, stretch and roll time for parents and littles.
$5 drop in or $15-$20 sliding scale for the month. Cash or Venmo "Jessica-Tartaro".
For questions, contact Jessica at 480-993-5562.​​​​
Play Time
With Sam
What: a container for experiential and embodiment experimentation
Who: anyone looking to expand beyond the current shape of their being
When: 7:30-9:30 pm, every 2nd and 4th Thursday
Where: The Hive, 10632 Rhody Dr, Port Hadlock, WA
Price: Sliding scale ($10-30)
A bi-monthly play-based container on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 7:30-9:30 pm at the Hive in Port Hadlock.
Play is fun(damental)! And play is a political act! We need spaces that aren’t about doing it right, or creating some specific outcome – we do it just to be in the experience, on the journey.
As someone who is often overly focused on productivity, it is such important medicine for me to approach an experience with pure curiosity, nothing to accomplish. This is the essence of play – to me, the lack of outcome is definitional. Play also invites a willingness to soften our identity structures and enter into a space where more is possible. Think of a child playing the role of evil magician, unconcerned with what others might think as they cackle at their poor victim. This too is so vital for me – to let go of this effort to be “good” or “right” all the time and make space for all the different archetypes that exist within me. Play isn’t always light or silly; often this experiential space invites us past the edges of the known into new and emergent territory.
If you resonate with any of this (or just want to explore!), I’d love if you joined me for Play Time. We’ll play with a different theme each session through a variety of different experiential exercises, and gradually let ourselves become bigger and freer. And if you feel inspired by a topic, I’d love to collaborate on a session with you. My hope is to welcome in a lot of co-creation and emergence within this space.
Hope to play with many of you soon!
Contact Improv Jam
With Mia
Fridays 4:30PM - 7:30PM